Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Be Inspired...BY EVERYTHING!

I'm not working on anything that I can talk about right now...
(Cue the ominous music)

BUT I cruise the internet every day looking for more inspiration. And I find it EVERYWHERE! I find it on shabby vintage blogs, like Twig, or on clothing websites, like Ruche, or even in the graphics in some of the cartoons that my little man "R" likes to watch!

Stuff like this:

Courtesy of Etsy, another treasure trove of homemade goodies

Or This:
Courtesy of Ruche. When I look at clothing as inspiration, I'm looking at the colors and patterns. For example, I made a plaid background for a new project that I may share if it turns out on screen like I want it to in my head, using this vest as inspiration.

Thats all for today. Back to the grindstone for me! Little "R" fell out of bed this morning at 6:30 am, right over his bumpers and right over the side of his bunk, so it's been touch and go with his moods this morning. Lots and lots of love and hands on attention should fix that! *I hope*

1 comment:

  1. Oh, poor Little "R"!

    I hope the day turned out well.
