Saturday, July 24, 2010

I won an AWARD?!

Wow. I'm a little stunned. I never thought the work I did for a local furniture company would get taken outside the a regional conference...


I love furniture. It stems from having to live in a travel trailer that comes completely furnished, so there's no need to buy anything. But that makes me want to! But I digress.

Here's the ad!

I couldn't put this up until it ran in the local paper. The boss man is so funny. Overly Super secretive about sales strategies and such. Confidentiality and the whole bit. But he took this ad with him to a furniture dealers conference, entered it into a "Most original idea" contest and it won! 

Which is a little funny because this ad is normally "Way outside the box" for his tastes and what he wants for the image of the store. He wanted me to change it, and I used the classic words, "You should really trust me on this one". He did, and I'm glad it paid off for him! I'm glad we were able to shake things up a bit and get his store (and me) some recognition!

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