Monday, June 14, 2010

Sorry Isn't Good Enough

Can I make a mid-years Resolution?

I, Jessica Herbig, will NOT let moving get in the way of my blogging,
OR my work that I need to do to blog about it!

That being said, here's what I've been working on!

What is BC^2 you ask? Well.......
Brown Chicken Brown Cow!
(Say it, you know you want to! Bowchicawowwow!)

My cheffy friend in Coeur d' Alene started a competition BBQ team, to compete over the Father's Day Weekend. And they're good. Really good. I'm drooling thinking about pork butts and ribs and steaks and...and...and...yeah, you get the picture. And because he's cool like that, he wanted the logo to be vague, so that when someone asks (like you did) what BC^2 stands for, his 3-man team can sing out, "Brown Chicken Brown Cow!" Good luck boys!
